TK Maxx departments

Take a look at the departments of TK Maxx.

TK Maxx for women


TK Maxx offers for women thousands of dresses, tops and trousers from big brands. Never miss any hottest trends of the actual season anymore!

TK Maxx for men


Stylish fashion for men created by famous brands – under one roof and always for the great prices – fair offer from TK Maxx company.

TK Maxx kids


The best clothing for our youngest family members – trendy clothes always for the best prices – fair deal from TK Maxx.

TK Maxx accesories


The best clothing for our youngest family members – trendy clothes always for the best prices – fair deal from TK Maxx.

TK Maxx home

Home & Living

Bed clothing, garden accessories, decorations into the living room – all these products are to be found in the department of Home & Living.

TK Maxx shoes


Be ready for new but also the current season with shoes from TK Maxx that is beautifully made, but also stylish and mostly, always reliable. TK Maxx stores offer shoes really for everybody.